A Recipe for Great Kitchen Advice


1 Whole College Student
18 Years of Cooking Experience
¾ Days Watching Food Network
1 University
A Dash of Passion


Mix slowly until a culinary artist emerges. 

Image may contain: Hillary Harris, standing and closeup

 "My name is Hillary Harris and I am attending Johnson and Wales University in Denver Colorado, pursuing a degree in Culinary Nutrition.  I have been cooking ever since I was a little girl, always watching the Food Network channel. Now that I am in culinary school, I have gained even more skills."

Hillary’s top three cooking tips are the ingredients to a kitchen experience that will make you feel like a professional.

1. Cook with dry herbs and garnish with fresh herbs.  Fresh herbs are more delicate and tend to brown/blacken easily.  It is also important to note that herbs and spices only last about 6-12 months before losing flavor.  This is especially true when cooking with dry herbs.  Make sure to purchase smaller amounts of each.  Doing so you will keep everything fresh and flavorful.

2. Slowly incorporate wet ingredients into the dry when mixing a batter/dough.  If you over mix, the finished product will be tough/dense, the same thing will happen if you over work a dough.

      3. Baking your own loads of bread, hamburger buns, etc. can save you a lot of money.  The main ingredients are flour, yeast, water, and salt; which are not that expensive ingredients.

This advice just hits the tip of the iceberg lettuce.  Stay tuned for more to come.  Happy cooking!


  1. Hey Morgan,

    I just had a quick question regarding the first point on this post. I am currently debating on whether or not I want to start an herb garden on my front porch. Do you think it would be more cost effective to purchase my own plants and harvest them, or to include buying pre-packaged herbs into my shopping budget? Thank you!

    1. Hello Tom,

      Thank you so much for the question, it's a great one! If you have a green thumb and are interested in having your own herb garden, I would highly recommend growing your own. It is much more cost effective than purchasing herbs at the grocery store. The plants will continue to produce, so you will have a continuing supply of your favorite herb. You also don't have to worry about the store not having exactly what you need since you can personalize your herb garden.


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